Saturday, 14 November 2015

Music Flyer

In the two photos above you will see pictures of the planning of my flyer which is advertising my very own music school. Making this planning for my flyer was quite fun and very entertaining. I enjoyed making a flyer as well as filling in the answers to the questions that were asked of me on picture 2. I felt like I was a business woman, which is in fact my goal in life. I hope in the future we will do more fun activities like this instead of the usual boring things / activities that students do in school. The reason I have decided to advertise a Music School is because I like to escape the boring homework and the strict rules and personally the way I do that is by singing or just listening to music. Now while I don't have a perfect angel voice, I still enjoy doing it. So I know that some people like to sing but are too scared of other people judging them, so in my Music School there is only one rule: No judging people. So that way everyone else that has an escape similar to mine can enjoy it without having to worry. As well as that we have learned how to properly advertise something, the rules of an advertisement, the importance of an advertisement, why people make advertisements and the different types of advertisements. We also learned how to make a proper flyer and not just a planning. Everyone in the class is doing a different topic and they all have their own reasons. Hopefully everyone else in this IT class enjoys and learns from  this activity as much as I have. So this is my Reflection of this exercise that we have / are currently doing in IT class.

In the photo above you will see my final copy of the flyer that I have been planning on making. In this flyer you will see, the title, my name, two different slogans and the following questions will be answered in this flyer: a short, simple explanation of why they should come, what we do there, what to except, where it is, when it is, how to sign up and the contact information for those who would like to join this music school. I have made my flyer colorful and appealing for the audience I am targeting, which are preteens and teens. The reason colorful flyers will attract my audiences eye is because it is a fact that most preteens and teens (13-16) have a short attention span and will most of the time not listen or watch something that is not funny or colorful or even dramatic. I have included adjectives to exaggerate my point such as; calming, peaceful, majestic, beautiful, harmony, heavenly, melody, tunes, lyrics, fun, an escape, no work, no stress and non-judgmental. Now you might think that the word non-judgmental is not very appealing but in this day and age with so many people being judged and bullied most teenagers just want a place where they can be themselves and have no reason to be looking over their shoulders 24/7. This is my reflection of my final cop of the flyer advertising my music school.         

References to Pictures:

 Peer Reflection

Self Evaluation

When I read Arthur's Evaluation on my work, I was quite satisfied. As he told me, in a very detailed description, what I did well and what I did not so well. He told me that I can improve on my 500-700 word essay and make it a little less colorful next time I do a digital essay. He also told me what I did well, which was the flyer as I made it very clear and appealing for my target audience. I will take the suggestions my peer has said and try not to do the same mistakes again. I am very glad I could get the opinion of my peer, as I know that he has never seen my work before and will give me an honest opinion. This was very educational and I learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses, on what I can improve on and on what I have done well. I will strengthen my weaknesses and I can help my peers using my strengths. The reflection was very well detailed and proper. I could understand everything he meant and what he was saying. He made it very tidy and easy to comprehend. It was a great reflection. 

Overall Reflection

Overall my work is on an average scale. I have done all the things that were given to me but some I did not do as well as others. I have reflected on all the work that I have done, though I sometimes did one or two words less than two hundred words. Other than those tiny mistakes I have updated my blog every time I finished my work, I always finished my work before the deadline, I have done at least two hundred words in each reflection, I have followed all the steps that were given to me each time I did a piece of work. So although I am currently on an average scale, I hope I can do my work well enough to be on an exceeding average scale. To reach my target I will work harder and focus more in class than I currently am. I have weaknesses and strengths. Those weaknesses and strengths are clearly shown in my work that I have posted on the blog. I shall improve on my weaknesses and share my strengths with those that are weaker at them than I am. Overall I am very happy and satisfied with the work that I have done and posted on my blog. I plan on working harder on my work next term and if I do, I will hopefully I get as much positive results next term as I did in this term.

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