Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Peer Reflections

Peer Reflections

Akshansh and Nicolai and Ahmed presented their project first, they had presented a project that is a robot named Storm KI3N, which stands for Akshansh's last name, Ahmed's last name, the fact that there is 3 of them. Nicolai's first name as if they put the last name, It would have not sounded as nice. Their project was very interesting and visually appealing. I liked how they explained everything on their project and how they made it. The feedback I want to give them is that I loved their project it was very entertaining and i hope they keep up with the amazing work. I believe that since only 4 of us can be in the Tech Fair, I know that they have to be one of those four as their project was extremely entertaining and is the best project of all.

Karim. R was the second presentation. He presented a game that he made on software. His project was fun and entertaining. I liked how he had some of us come and play the game; he even had Arthur (a boy in the class) make a game himself. The feedback I want to give him is that his presentation was spectacular and his project was lovely but, during the presentation he should have faced the audience more and maybe explain the project a little bit clearer, other than that it was a fascinating presentation.  I think that Karim should be allowed into the Tech Fair, as it is obvious that he worked very hard on his project and is passionate about it.

The third group to present their project was Ashkan and Arthur they made a pinball machine, they have used complicated technology and Lego to make this pinball machine. During their presentation they chose one person to play the pinball machine. Mindstorm is the program they used to give the machine ‘’brain sensors’’.  The only feedback I would like to give them is that they should explain the project in a simpler manner as to allow younger and possibly older students to understand.  I believe that they can make the project but that is only if I see the other project and theirs surpass all of the ones I see later as I have not seen all of the projects yet.

The next group, after my group and I, was Ananya and Riya. They have made a Lego Robot called BBH, it is a kit and in it there are mechanical parts and the programming software to control the robot. For the Robot they bought the parts and assembled it, than they downloaded software that allows them to control the robot. You can ask the robot a yes or no question and it will answer using the app. I believe that the project is visually appealing but I do not think they should be in the Tech Fair as they just bought the parts and put it together and they just downloaded the app. There was no actual programming involved on their part.

The fifth person was Anishka, her project was The Handy Electronic Mop. It is used to clean everything you can’t reach; you can also use it to find things you lost. As it can search under your bed, if you need to find something you’ve lost. You will need to charge it according to the amount of time you shall use it afterwards, like if you want to use it for a long time you will need to charge it for around 7-8 hours. The feedback I would like to give her is that her presentation skills were not the best. She was too quiet and she didn't face the audience. Also, she did not work hard on her project, though it is good for a first time. I do not believe it is that Technical and she could have done a lot better. I do not think she should be in the Tech Fair as her project is not very interesting and it wouldn't impress younger children and males, though perhaps it would impress females. The Tech Fair has a wide range of audiences of all shapes and sizes. In conclusion, she worked hard on her project and deserves a high mark, but I, personally, do not vote for her to go to the Tech Fair.   

The sixth group was Mohammed Khaled and Khaled. There was also supposed to be Mati, but he was absent. Their game was called Big Ship Defender. The program they used to make the game was Game Salad. Kids are allowed to play this game as it is non-violent. They had chosen two players, Monica and Karim, to play the game and see if its fun. The feedback I have for them is that although their presentation skills were good. They had no Pros and Cons, which was required in the criterion that was given to all students. Though they had made a good game, Kairm (The second person to present) had also made a game. I do not believe that two people that made the same thing and are in the same class should be allowed in the Tech Fair. In my opinion Karim’s game was more fun and better and he was more passionate about his game. In conclusion, I do not believe they should be in the Tech Fair.

The seventh person to present was Adam O'Neil. He made a website called Save a Panda by Adam O'Neil. His URL was a panda. He used to make the website. The reason he chose to do this project is because he loves Panda's ad Bears in general. He searched things to do with Panda's like what their diet was. Their average size and the habitat's they live in. The feedback I have for him is that, at the beginning of the presentation he was slightly quiet and seemed shy. He should be more confident of his project and himself. Also I feel like his project didn't require much building or work on his part. He should have chosen something that people can touch and hold in their hands or something they can listen to or play with, when their bored. So, although his project does count as technical, I don't think its Technical enough. Also he didn't put a reference page, which is plagiarism. There is not enough information to count it as a professional website. I do not believe that Adam should be in the Tech Fair as, if we are only allowed four people by each class, there are other students in this class that have done a slightly better job. But at least he tried to do a project even after he failed the first one. So in conclusion, although he tried hard, he should not be in the Tech Fair.

The eighth group to present was Jana and Christa. Their project was a Robotics Car. The engine is connected to a remote control which allows it to move forwards, backwards, left and right. The robotics car has a slight amount of technology involved. The feedback I would like to give them is that they were promoting their project to be a lot better than it actually is. They did not work hard on their project and we do not even know if they did it as they did not bring it. So there is no proof that they actually did it. I think that they should not be allowed into the Tech Fair as they did not work that hard, their project is easy, their project already exist and can be bought at the mall. Their blogs were not complete and their power point contained information that can be thought of by anyone and nothing makes their project special. So in conclusion, they should not be allowed into the Tech Fair. 

The next group to present was Imaan and Harang. Their project was Stop Motion Animation. Stop Motion Animation is animation that it when, let’s say, you take a picture and there are things that are not moving, you may make them move. To make a stop motion animation you must have clay or a drawing. There are two software’s you can use,’ Stop Motion Animator’ or ‘Monkey Jam’. They used Stop Motion Animation. They had done ‘Stop Motion Animator’ as ‘Monkey Jam’ is a little more complicated. It takes a long process to edit the picture and might not go out as planned. The feedback I would like to give them is that the project itself is acceptable, though they were slightly quite when presenting their project so they could improve their presentational skills. Their project was complicated in a sense and very unique, but not as great as others in the class. In conclusion, I believe that although they did an acceptable project they should not be allowed into the Tech Fair. 

The tenth group to present was Davide and Satchit.  Their project was Firefly Night Lights. These are lights that are shaped like fireflies using LED lights.  The can be used for reading a book in the dark. They are very easy to make as they do not involve pen. You will need eight materials to make this project. The only Con is that the project is not a strong light.  The feedback I would like to give them is that their presentational skills were substantial, but the project itself is not the most adequate. I believe that they could have worked a lot harder as they are smart students, and perhaps could have been a little more creative. In conclusion, I do not believe Satchit and Davide should be allowed into the Tech Fair. 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Reflection - Progress so far

For the tech fair, my group members and I have been looking at 2 separate projects. First, the sawed off USB cable, and second the garage band dance playlist. Over the few weeks of which we have been working on the tech fair, a lot of progress has been made. 

For the sawed off USB cable, all the digital necessities have been complete. The PowerPoint presentation, peer reflections, movie and reflection on why we chose it has all been complete. The only thing left to do for this idea is to actually make the product, the hardest task of them all. This is because it will require some skill with a rotary knife and thus requires parental supervision. In my opinion the most fun part of the work we have been required to do is the movie. While informing the viewers about our idea, we are experimenting with the software of IMovie on iOS products. 

As for our second idea, which was produced not quite long back, we have created the product, 
finished the PowerPoint slides and have reflected on why we chose it. The remaining tasks we have left to complete by Wednesday are the peer reflections and the IMovie. We have already recorded the clips of ourselves, and all that is necessary is to bring it together as one on iMovie. My personal favorite for this project was making the playlist. This is because all three of us were new to Garage band and thus without looking at the instruction manual, we went forth and began testing different options, to find ourselves making a song!

In conclusion, I believe that my group and I are going down the right path and will be able to hand in our assessment by the due date, Wednesday the 25th.

Video for Tech Fair 2

This is the Promotional Video 2

This is my groups second video for the idea of the tech fair, but this is for the dance playlist.
Director/ movie maker: Kiyara
picture gathering and subtitles: Monica
Video taping: Rania

Criteria C - Self Evaluation 2

Criteria D - Peer Reflection 2

Peer Reflection 2

Reflection for Tech Fair


For the Tech Fair, we all decided to do a technical project that we are all passionate about, that is music. So we used Garage Band IOS
to construct our own music in a technical way. We made a playlist including 5 songs. They are all of a different genre, some are hip hop, and some are calming and melodic. We all constructed this music together as a group.The reason we chose to create a tune from garage band was because first we were unable to find an idea so we then thought of our passion and thought of collaborating it with music. After that, we searched for different technology products that have collaborated with music and found the idea of creating a tune from Garage Band by using the tunes on the app. Overall, we have chosen this because of our passion and because it was a fitting easy project suitable for youth and teens. It is trendy and rather than using something like Itunes to buy music, why not use Garageband where you can produce your own music and enjoy it without any cost? 
this is our first reflection, and the second one will be about what we have completed for both projects so far.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Ergonomics Poster

Ergonomics Poster

This ergonomics poster was made on MS word as requested. While making the poster, we learnt many solutions and ideals to follow while using a computer. this was completed among  my companions Kiyara and Monica. what i feel like we could have done better is put more images and use the space wisely.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Criteria A - Tech Fair 2

PowerPoint Slides 2: Dance Playlist

This is the title slide with our names class and the addition to the project we are doing.

This description is a detailed analysis of the work we have done, why we did it and how we came across the idea through our passion for music.

This is the boons and the banes slide, pros and cons. Obviously more pros to the music!

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Tech Fair Promo Video

This is the Tech Fair Promotional Video

For our Criteria A assessment, we have uploaded our video onto YouTube. Above is the video. I feel we have done exceptionally well, because we have listed why the project is good and have met all the targets in the rubric. We have also included diagrams, introduced ourselves

Criteria A - Tech Fair

Powerpoint slides

In my group of three, we have crested a powerpoint presentation regarding the key information that is mandatory to know about our project.

The tile page with our names, the name of the project, our class, and where we got the idea.
(the website)

In the second picture, we have a description of where we found the idea, why we chose the idea and why you should use this idea.
 The third slide shows us what we need in order to make a sawed off USB cable and how to make it in 6 easy steps.
The last slide talks about the pros and cons, and as you can see, our project is more of a boon than a bane! It includes a picture too!


Tech Fair Ideas
In this term, our class unit will be related to tech fair I have decided to research an idea for my project in the tech fair. My tech fair project idea is a solar Altoids charger for I phones or I-pods.The way it works is that it charges your device using: Charging Circuit,2x AA Battery Holder, 2x Rechargeable Batteries, 1N914 Blocking Diode, Solar Cell greater than 4V, Stranded Wire.The reason I think this  idea is very related and is very suitable for the tech fair is that is very technological because it includes technological elements such as the charging  circuit, the rechargeable batteries and the solar cell all those make the project quite technological.I think it will benefit the society because it is portable and also because it makes charging devices an easier job.This tech fair project idea was made by Joshua Zimmerman.I have planned to do the tech fair projects with my fellow classmates Kiyara Talia Weerakoon, Monica Amir Saad and this is just an idea since I 'm still not sure I will be doing it in the tech fair. 

 DIY Solar USB Charger - Altoids . 2016. DIY Solar USB Charger - Altoids . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 January 2016].


In this term, we have been in the process of researching an idea for the tech fair, we have chosen our own groups and we had to think of an idea for the tech fair, we then had to write a short paragraph about the function of the project and a short description of the materials and process of the object. In my opinion, I believe that I have described the project in a very detailed manner and have talked about in a very descriptive way. Second of all, in my opinion, I think that I have provided very appropriate and necessary information that defined the project properly. Another thing is that I think that I have used my research skills very well and have received great information. Meanwhile, I have also appropriately cited my source of image and information. Finally, last but not least next time a way I can improve is to add a little more visual work in my research and maybe I can describe in a more deep manner so it can be as detailed as possible

Criteria C - Self Evaluation

 Self Evaluation

Criteria D - Peer Reflection

Peer Reflection