Sunday, 21 February 2016

Reflection - Progress so far

For the tech fair, my group members and I have been looking at 2 separate projects. First, the sawed off USB cable, and second the garage band dance playlist. Over the few weeks of which we have been working on the tech fair, a lot of progress has been made. 

For the sawed off USB cable, all the digital necessities have been complete. The PowerPoint presentation, peer reflections, movie and reflection on why we chose it has all been complete. The only thing left to do for this idea is to actually make the product, the hardest task of them all. This is because it will require some skill with a rotary knife and thus requires parental supervision. In my opinion the most fun part of the work we have been required to do is the movie. While informing the viewers about our idea, we are experimenting with the software of IMovie on iOS products. 

As for our second idea, which was produced not quite long back, we have created the product, 
finished the PowerPoint slides and have reflected on why we chose it. The remaining tasks we have left to complete by Wednesday are the peer reflections and the IMovie. We have already recorded the clips of ourselves, and all that is necessary is to bring it together as one on iMovie. My personal favorite for this project was making the playlist. This is because all three of us were new to Garage band and thus without looking at the instruction manual, we went forth and began testing different options, to find ourselves making a song!

In conclusion, I believe that my group and I are going down the right path and will be able to hand in our assessment by the due date, Wednesday the 25th.

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