Saturday, 14 May 2016

Term 3 - Scratch Project (1st Story Board)

The Second Story (The One I didn't choose as my final one)

This is the Story Board I had decided not to do

This project is about two people bonding over a kind gesture and perhaps starting a friendship on the project. I will be using Scratch to make this project into a reality. I was thinking of a way two people could bond between something as simple as a kind gesture or a polite word. In this case the girl sitting on the bench said 'bless you' to the boy that sneezed whilst he was walking, which caused the boy to start up a conversation between them by asking the girl what her name was. I came up with the project because I was thinking of a way to spread a positive message through my work whilst still making it interesting and relatable. This story is relatable as this is something that actually could happen to anyone, rather than it being something that only happens in fairy tales. It is interesting as it is enjoyable to watch how two strangers can become friends in a few sentences. I believe that the challenging part is making them speak one after the other, whilst not allowing one person to overlap the other person whilst they are talking or for there to be an extremely long pause between a question and an answer. I highly enjoyed the making of this project and whilst it was quite simple it still spread a positive message towards anyone who watches it. It was hard but the fact that we made an "About Me" project before means that it was slightly easier to make than it would have been if we did not have any practice. So, in conclusion, I believe that I did very well on this project and that I will end up being very proud of my work and this will hopefully get me a good mark.

Ruby's Script 
Avery's Script
Background Script

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