Saturday, 5 March 2016

Self Reflection

Self Reflection

In our presentation, my group and I presented our Tech Fair projects. My group consists of Monica, Kiyara and I. We had made two Tech Fair projects as there were three of us and making only one Tech Fair project would be too easy. We had made a Sawed off USB cable and a Dance playlist on the IOS software GarageBand. We had first presented the Sawed off USB cable and showed our PowerPoint that explained the Pros and Cons, a description of the project and the materials need to make the project. We also showed our promotional video, which we found quite cringe-worthy. We explained how we made it and how it made be used. We also said that it may cause no harm and no-one may be electrocuted as it only looks like a Sawed off Cable. Then we presented our second project, the Dance Playlist. We explained how we had no clue as to how we were supposed to use GarageBand. So we spent hours just trying to figure out how to use it without researching. Finally we showed people the PowerPoint we made for this Tech Fair which included; a description of the project, Pros and Cons as well as materials. Then we showed the second promotional video we made for the Dance playlist, which explains why people should use it. Afterwards we said how and why we should be allowed in the Tech Fair. Personally, although we did try extremely hard, the Dance Playlist should not be in the Tech Fair but possibly the USB cable as, Arthur, a colleague and classmate stated that "The music was bad, but the USB cable was pretty cool." So in conclusion, I believe that our USB cable was good but other people have done slightly better than us in their project so they deserve to be in the Tech Fair more than my group and I do.

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