Saturday, 19 March 2016

Technology and the U.A.E National Agenda ( Sustainable and Infrastructure )

The National Agenda 
His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and the Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai make the National Agenda. The National Agenda is a sort of goal for the U.A.E to make U.A.E better by the year 2021. There are 6 pillars to the National Agenda. These pillars are; Cohesive Society and Preserved Identity, Safe Public and Fair Judiciary, Competitive Knowledge Economy, First-Rate Education System, World-Class Healthcare and Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure.  

The National Agenda has targets that they would like to accomplish before 2021 or during 2021. These targets are; to set the standards for other governments and to be first worldwide in smart services, to transform all schools and curricula to smart learning and increase investment in pre-school education, to make U.A.E the safest place on earth and reduce the response time of emergency calls to a record time of four minutes, to increase the per capita gross income by 65% over the next seven years, to become the first globally in land, sea and air infrastructure and the world's first in ease of doing business, to decrease the waiting period of eligibility for housing to two years from the date of application and to increase Emiratisation in the private sector 10 times. If motivation is not enough, the government will enforce new measures to increase Emiratisation.

The pillar that we will be focusing on is Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure. A general description of this pillar is that the UAE Government wants to ensure sustainable development while preserving the environment, and to achieve a perfect balance between 
economic and social development.

We shall be finding ways to connect this pillar to Technology and see how we may help achieve this pillars goal. We use Technology as means of socializing, so now we need to find a way to help the environment through socializing.  Perhaps we could make website as to spread awareness and alert people that we must help save the everlasting environment from extinction. Another way we could help is by this hour called Earth our where we must turn of all lights and not use any devices for an hour, from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. There are many ways to help the U.A.E accomplish this pillar that may be done by any ages, as most people, even children, have phone or laptops or Ipads.  This could help all of use even those who don’t live in the U.A.E as the environment affects us all.  I believe that this Agenda is a wonderful idea and hopefully this agenda will be a reality by the year 2021. 


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